I never thought I could do this and complete the mission successfully. 😛 It is a date to remember that finally Jonathan boy is off his favourite pacifier (or peh peh he would call it being the first syllabus “pa”).
Two weeks ago, on a Saturday night that was 27/3/2010, Darling initiated the mission which I was doubting if we could sustain. It was a tough night for Jonathan boy. Initially, he asked for his peh peh with his manja voice as usual but his request was rejected by us. Then he started to whine, then cried, then thrown tantrum by rolling on the bed, kicking here and there. We kept telling him “no more peh peh“, “Jonathan big boy already”, “peh peh for baby only”, “peh peh shame shame” but he still can’t accept it. After sometime, he drifted into dreamland with tears. Oh, my poor boy. In the middle of the night, he woke up once to look for his peh peh and cried when he can’t find them.
The second night, he went to bed without any fuss as he was too tired because he didn’t take his afternoon nap. Phew……we thought tonight is an easy night. Who knows, it was Chap Goh Mei! He was awaken by the firecrackers and it turned an easy night into a horrible night. He cried so terriblely as though having a bad dream.
The following nights, Darling was on night shift. I warned him that if I couldn’t bear with Jonathan’s act, I’ll give in. (Guess I am not as firm as him or not as patience as him) I was praying hard that Jonathan won’t give me a hard time each night. Hehe….he was very co-operative indeed. Few nights in the beginning, he requested for his peh peh and I kept telling him “no more peh peh“, “Jonathan big boy already”, “peh peh for baby only”, “peh peh shame shame”. It was really a brainwashing session. He didn’t cry or throw tantrum but just whine a little. I gave him his milk bottle or water bottle with teat to soothe himself.
One week gone. Occasionally he still ask for it. He nearly wanted to pull out the toy pacifier from one of the doll. The following week, he began to understand and accept it. He never asked for his peh peh anymore. We browsed through the photos in my camera and when he sees himself with pacifier, he said, “Jonathan shame shame”. When we asked him if he still wants peh peh, he said, “Peh peh for baby.”
Many asked me before this, when would I want to wean him off from pacifier. I couldn’t gave an answer because I was afraid to see him “suffer”. If you ask me now, how to do it, I can only share with you what we had been through. It really depends on your child, how you handle the situation and perseverance is very important. Some parents had to perform tricks (like cutting off the pacifier in front of the kid), some kids need to be encouraged with some “bribe”, and like my son, I think he just need to be brain-washed. 🙂 (Now I’m wondering if he will easily get influenced by others when he grows up. Hmmm…..)
Not forgetting, all credit goes to Darling, for being a very supportive husband and a firm Daddy. And also Jonathan boy for being a very understanding and well-behaved boy.