Yipee! Will be traveling down to Penang this Friday for a special reason this time. Must drop by Nibong Tebal this time for the pork knuckle and squid. Can’t wait to have my all-time fav Tom Yam Maggi at Sunshine.
Month: July 2008
I Adore My Cry Baby…
I just love to make him pout and cry because that expression and looks of him is so cute to me just as his heart-melting smile. Since born, he dislike bathing or changing. He will cry and yell…it’s really scary as though he’d got beaten. It was not because of cold water or hungry baby. In fact I fed him full before his bath time. It was a mystery where nobody can answer. Good thing my MIL (Jonathan’s caregiver) can bear with it. It got better gradually when he was 3 months old whereby he will only struggle and cry a little occasionaly when washing his hair. But suprisingly on his full moon, he did not cry at all. Probably he knew that it is an eventful day and I’d been telling him to behave well. But now, he loves bathing. He loves the shower head. He will whine and cry if I took it away from him. *Headache*
When I leave him in the cot or on the floor playing with his toys alone, he will yell and cyr. Separation anxiety, I guess. When he really get scolded, he will cry sniffingly. He gets frightened easily by even a moderately loud sound.
When he is tired and napping time, he will whine for his pacifier. I love to pull it away from his mouth cause he will whine and cry. Again…I love to see his expression especially his mouth. Evil Mommy, huh?
p/s: Ann, fyi, he didn’t cry when I pretended crying in front of him. He just blurly staring at me. 🙂
My CG members and friends commented that he is such a good boy because he don’t simply throw tantrums and could sit on the high chair throughout meals. Perhaps it’s because we know how to keep him quiet by stuffing food in his mouth. 😛 After all, he is actually a well behaved but demanding baby. Most importantly, I always pray that he will keep real quiet in church, during the sermons especially.
I used to bully my nieces and nephews whenever they cry for their mommy…”I want my Mommy!” And now, my son is doing that. He has yet to utter those words but he has started to reach out his hand demanding for me to carry. Yesterday night, I was busy cleaning my house after the renovation. My cry baby woke up and was crying for me. No matter how hard Darling pleases him, he wouldn’t stop crying. Until when I walk in to the room, he stoped crying immediately and reaching out to me. As usual…my jealous big baby, Darling commented, “He only wants you! 🙁 “
That’s my adorable cry baby…I hope it is just a phase and that he will grow up to be an independent boy.
Left Brain, Right Brain
Let me fill up with a filler post while Julie is compiling the next family updates.
From Wikipedia:-
Anatomically, the brain can be divided into three parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain the forebrain includes the several lobes of the cerebral cortex that control higher functions, while the mid- and hindbrain are more involved with unconscious, autonomic functions. During encephalization, human brain mass increased beyond that of other species relative to body mass. This process was especially pronounced in the neocortex, a section of the brain involved with language and consciousness. The neocortex accounts for about 76% of the mass of the human brain with a neocortex much larger than other animals, humans enjoy unique mental capacities despite having a neuroarchitecture similar to that of more primitive species. Basic systems that alert humans to stimuli, sense events in the environment, and maintain homeostasis are similar to those of basic vertebrates. Human consciousness is founded upon the extended capacity of the modern neocortex, as well as the greatly developed structures of the brain stem.

The above is just something to stimulate your brain once again. Remember those dreaded time when our science teachers who made us memorize and understand each and every part of human anatomy? Yeah.. Scary. Glad that I’ve overcome that stage.
Here’s what I would like to share with you. I got from myklang forum.
Are you a left brain or right brain person?
Look at the dancer animation on the left. Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice-versa. Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
- uses logic
- detail oriented
- facts rule
- words and language
- present and past
- math and science
- can comprehend
- knowing
- acknowledges
- order/pattern perception
- knows object name
- reality based
- forms strategies
- practical
- safe
- uses feeling
- “big picture” oriented
- imagination rules
- symbols and images
- present and future
- philosophy & religion
- can “get it” (i.e. meaning)
- believes
- appreciates
- spatial perception
- knows object function
- fantasy based
- presents possibilities
- impetuous
- risk taking
Personally, I’m a touted from this experiment to be a Right Brainer. Most of the mentioned characters matches mine. What about yours?
Jonathan’s Paternal Grandma’s Birthday
Today we celebrated Jonathan’s paternal grandma’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Ma…
Jonathan…9 Months
I woke up from bed yesterday, looked at my watch…it’s 8th of the month. Gosh, another month had sailed through but so little pictures of Jonathan we had captured. Let’s see what are the highlights of the month.
He is 9.6kg now. At 8.5 months, Jonathan is able to stand unaided…his record so far was 10 seconds. But he still needs something to support him up, then he’ll start to show his stunt by letting go his hands steadily, smiling at his audience expecting some cheers and finally, drop down on his buttock. But yesterday night, instead of sitting down on his buttock, he jump upfront. He repeated the same act every time we make him stand and definitely enjoying it. Good thing it was on the bed. I hope he won’t do it on the solid floor.
He is getting more demanding. He must have what he wants. He loves our mobile phones so when we refuse to give him, he will cry.
One night, he bit my nipple when he wanted to hook on to my breast. I have warned him and pat his cheek softly many times not to do it. It was a quick reflex that I beat him harder on the cheek and he cried this time. Thereafter, he refused to suck even though I apologized and cuddle him until I had no choice but to force him to suck. Thank God, he finally accepted my breast. After this incident, he is more gently. *Slap head*
In the earlier two posts, Jonathan had his first fall then fell sick recently…getting better today. Get well soon, my little sick baby.
On an unrelated update, some renovation is going on in my house, at the kitchen, utility room, stairs and car porch. It looks like a major renovation because my house is full of dust, no facility to cook and wash our laundry. I’m blessed to have my sister living next door. She lend me her kitchen to at least cook porridge for Jonathan boy every morning and boil water. We have to eat out every meal and send our laundry to the dobby. Most of our time were spent in our bedroom (that is the cleanest place so far).
But overall, I’m looking forward to the new kitchen and utility room. The most important space for a woman is always the kitchen. Why the utility room? Cause I plan to set up a condusive study/working place for Darling and a more child proof playing area for Jonathan. Setting them up one step at a time…
Our very own smalltalk corner
We’re starting this new smalltalk corner to post some short updates which does not require long old grandma stories. 🙂