Soybean Milk Jelly

This is my first time sharing with you my cooking. Use to bake once a while before I had Jonathan. Now…a bit lazy. One fine weekend,  I suddenly recalled promosing MC to share my soybean milk jelly with her. So, here it is…


1 packet of Red Swallow brand agar-agar strips or powder (I prefer powder as it dissolve easily)

1 can of evaporated creamer

4 cups of soybean milk (preferably without or with less sugar)

12 – 14 cups of water (depending on the texture that you like)

3 cups of sugar (reduce according to your taste)



1. Boil jelly powder till dissolve.

2. Add sugar and evaporated creamer and let it boil again.

3. Lastly add soybean milk.

4. Pour mixture into cups.

5.  When the jelly has set, top it with canned longan, lychee, peach, nata de coco or mix tropical fruit. Don’t discard the syrup but add some on each cup. 

6. Serve chilled.


I tried once with rose flavoured soya bean milk. Not too bad. Happy trying……

Overnight Change

Strangely, a big eater and a not-a-fussy-eater like Jonathan boy is refusing his formula milk for the first time.  Not a new taste to him. No additional stuff added.

The last he had his formula milk is last Friday afternoon and he finished 8oz as usual.  Then on Saturday night, before bedtime, he took a sip and rejected it. I thought he was still full from all the junk food he ate. On Sunday morning till today, he still refused to drink and pushed away the bottle from me. 

Changed to a fancy milk bottle, sippy cup, pour into his favourite cup with straw, added ice cubes, chilled……Many ways I tried to coax him but failed.  Darling suggested that perhaps it’s time to add milo to his milk. Maybe he’s following my footsteps…I grew up with milo! I don’t think so and I’m not doing that for certain reasons.

I’m not too worried about this change as Jonathan boy is still eating his solid well. He will still ask for BM but I am not producing that much anymore.

Is this a phase? How long will this last? I’m wondering, staring at the stocks of formula milk I have.

New Found Place

Our neighbouring friends have been talking about this place and the activity they enjoyed doing there with their friends and especially kids.  This particular activity is not what I fancy nor ever did when I was a kid unlike Darling who is knows well how it works.  So off we go one particular weekend to explore and find out if Jonathan boy will enjoy it too. 

So this was where headed to…

This is located at Bandar Bukit Tinggi II in Klang.  It’s a very big field beside the road in a housing area. I just couldn’t believe the crowd and the many kites that are flying high up in the clear blue sky. Most important is that the weather is great…windy!  The wind blows away the heat as well.

And when I see the size of the field, I was so relieved. So relieved that Jonathan can run around freely and safely while I watch him from a distance and without me having to marathon after him. You sure know what I mean. This is unlike at the playground where I have to carry him up the slide and running after him when he goes near the swing.

Here’s Jonathan boy, all geared up with his Spiderman kite.

This is not all you can do there. We brought along Jonathan’s little bike. The field is a bit uneven so it was kind of hard for him to maneuver his bike. Nevertheless, he enjoyed it.

Kite sellers are making great money here.  The kites priced from RM19. I tell you, kites nowadays are so fancy. You have mermaid, Ben10, Batman, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse flying in the sky!  I won’t be surprise to hear this…”Mommy, mermaid can fly?” 😛

Personally, I love this Batman kite. It looks so real when it is up in the sky. At least Batman does fly, right? They have it in fluorescent orange but it looks quite fake to me.

This is definitely a nice place for a weekend activity.  You sure agree with me if you see Jonathan when he was all out.  The restless him just stopped and sat down on the grass. But that never stop him from enjoying this great outing. We caught him here plucking the weeds.

We simply love this place.  It’s windy and the field is huge and clean.  We will surely be back soon ‘coz Darling just bought a dozen of smaller kites and more strings.  I hope the kites can fly… 😛  So, anyone keen to join us?

Blog Break II

I’m declaring a Blog Break II, after the previous blog break

Still busy with work and so had no inspiration to write.  My eyes are tired staring at the PC at work. My bum bum sore for sitting too long at my desk working on the PC.

Many things that I would like to share and jot down on my Family Journal but my mind is not working and time do not permit.  Regardless how much workload I have in the office, I am not staying up late or bringing home my work (unless really necessary). That’s my philosophy, to spend quality family time with Darling and Jonathan boy.  But I still have time for my shopping therapy. 😉

Meanwhile, enjoy these photos taken by Aunty-Next-Door.