Happy Mid-Autumn!

This year, Jonathan knows how to enjoy eating mooncake. We were in Tesco one night. I took a piece of mooncake for him to try. He fell in love with it since then. He asked for another piece. Seeing his happy face, I bought one mooncake. He just can’t wait to eat it and forced me to open it there and then. He just wouldn’t listen when I told him that we need to pay money first and we have to cut it. Oklar…I gave in to him.

And this is how he wants to eat his mooncake.

He finished up the whole mooncake?

Nah…he didn’t.

There was once he got angry when I sliced the mooncake into pieces. Unlike Daddy and Mommy, he dislike the egg yolk. Good…less one person fighting for the egg yolk. 😀

So here wishing everyone, a Happy and Joyous Mid-Autumn. Enjoy yourself with your love ones.