
Received a bouquet of 12 roses from Darling. He never fails to make me happy by wasting money.  But I never get him anything in return. Guy is always at the losing end. 😛

Preggie @ Week 30

Yeah, I think I should be in week 30 now.  Really lost count for this pregnancy.  I think it’s the second child syndrome and I feel so bad when I come to think of it.  I seldom talk to her, read to her, play music for her and connecting her with Daddy. Even, I started late in taking Spirulina and Calrich. These are Elken products and I took it when I was pregnant with Jonathan. You can really see the goodness in Jonathan that he has good immune system and strong bones.

Pregnant with Jonathan is a lot different from this pregnancy.  Different symptoms.  The heartburn this time round was worst. Until now, I still can’t enjoy my food because it always got stuck in my throat.  I crave for sweet stuff especially canned lychee or rambutans and sea coconut.  In my first trimester, I craved for coffee which was something I dislike. Funny eh… I think I can’t take milk because I feel awful after that.

Different in size too! The tummy this time was rounder and smaller.  My 7 months tummy looks like 6 months tummy of the previous pregnancy. Some aunties say I got a neat tummy and it is definitely a baby girl tummy.

The previous pregnancy, my feet started to swell at 6 months.  My gynae always commented on this everytime I went for my routine check. This pregnancy, although my feet has grown bigger but not swollen yet.

Similarity? ICE! I can’t live without ice. I know, I know it is not good but can you see my suffering? Another similarity is in the baby’s characteristic. This little one is as active as Jonathan. Squirming here and there, telling Mommy that she’s lively. 😛

There is one on-going experiment. I’m taking soya bean milk (with white sugar) almost daily because Jonathan has dark complexion from dunno-who-gene.  And not forgetting bird nest…it really make the baby’s skin soft and smooth.

Aunty-Next-Door took some of this preggie shots for me during Christmas.  It was an unplanned session and so you can see I look quite messy.

Ramblings of a FTWM

There gone my 2 weeks of annual leave. Thinking of having to go back to work tomorrow really make me sick, but I can never get really sick enough to warrant for a medical leave. I wonder why some people could love their job or employer so much until they look forward to working the next day. I am not saying that I am working for a lousy employer.  I have an employer that pays me well with above average benefits.  He gave me fair increment and good bonuses so far for the last 4 years. Well of course that was also because I am a good performer each year. 

Wrong job? Nope. I graduated and work in this field for the past 10 years. No regret.

I guess it is the people that I am working with. They think that I am the most important person who holds all the information where nobody else can access.  It is as though in their directory, they only see my contact number but no one else. I can hardly take a day off without receiving calls from the office. You see, certain things can be delayed until I am back. Certain puzzle can be solved if they independantly take the initiative to find out how. Certain reports can be requested from me earlier without waiting till the final minute. I have to sacrifice my sleep just to be early in the office to get the last minute request done. At times, I have to stay up in the office to after 8pm for meetings/discussions. All these frustrated me. But being a responsible employee, I still obey and get those things done.

I can’t accomodate to these so flexiblely nowadays compared to years ago because I have a husband who is waiting to kiss me goodbye before he leaves for night shift work and a son at home who is waiting to call me “Mommy”. Soon I will have a baby waiting to suckle my engorged breast. Where is the work-life balanced?

I told my mom recently of my intention to leave after I’ve delivered, either to be a SAHM or find a less stressful and time consuming job like a receptionist or clerk. She, knowing the amount of bonuses I received each year, with her dollar sign eye ball, says, “Are you sure you want to leave and for-go the many months bonus you can receive?”

Sigh…it’s all about money. Why should there be an existence of money in human life which then created so much problems…crime, theft, bribery. How or where can I find peace and happiness at the work place?

Blessed New 2010 Year

As you look into year 2010, have you count the many blessings God had done for you in 2009?

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done,
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Blessed New Year!