Money or Opportunity

I am getting frustrated with my work and working in such a company, dealing with such annoying people.  I will just deal with as much as my plate can hold. Most of my colleagues are facing the same. When it comes to this stage, you know how serious is the health of the department. This is everywhere, I know but enough for me after 5 years here. 

Something just pissed me off this morning and I’m feeling like throwing darts at them.

And that makes me ponder…

“Should I wait for my bonus in November and forgo the opportunity that comes? So what if I wait for my bonus but the consequence is having to suffer still in this miserable place?”

Oh, My Hair…

My silky hair is falling down, falling down, falling down,
My silky hair is falling down,
Oh, my precious hair.

Same thing happened when I was with Jonathan. It started in the third month until more than the sixth months. It was very bad until you can see my scalp. Everytime when I went to the hairdresser, she will make her comment and start recommending me syampoo and hair tonic. I thought probably Jonathan had taken up all the nutrients in my body as I was breastfeeding. So I went to the pharmacy to enquire for supplements and they recommended me to take Zinc. I can’t remember if it helps.

Now, with Samantha, I’m losing my hair again. At the end of the day in the office, I can see hairs on my chair.  Hairs all over my dressing table and on the floor. Even scarrier whenever I shampooed my hair.

Any remedies or supplements to prevent hair fall due to post-natal hormonal change?

Ramblings of a FTWM

There gone my 2 weeks of annual leave. Thinking of having to go back to work tomorrow really make me sick, but I can never get really sick enough to warrant for a medical leave. I wonder why some people could love their job or employer so much until they look forward to working the next day. I am not saying that I am working for a lousy employer.  I have an employer that pays me well with above average benefits.  He gave me fair increment and good bonuses so far for the last 4 years. Well of course that was also because I am a good performer each year. 

Wrong job? Nope. I graduated and work in this field for the past 10 years. No regret.

I guess it is the people that I am working with. They think that I am the most important person who holds all the information where nobody else can access.  It is as though in their directory, they only see my contact number but no one else. I can hardly take a day off without receiving calls from the office. You see, certain things can be delayed until I am back. Certain puzzle can be solved if they independantly take the initiative to find out how. Certain reports can be requested from me earlier without waiting till the final minute. I have to sacrifice my sleep just to be early in the office to get the last minute request done. At times, I have to stay up in the office to after 8pm for meetings/discussions. All these frustrated me. But being a responsible employee, I still obey and get those things done.

I can’t accomodate to these so flexiblely nowadays compared to years ago because I have a husband who is waiting to kiss me goodbye before he leaves for night shift work and a son at home who is waiting to call me “Mommy”. Soon I will have a baby waiting to suckle my engorged breast. Where is the work-life balanced?

I told my mom recently of my intention to leave after I’ve delivered, either to be a SAHM or find a less stressful and time consuming job like a receptionist or clerk. She, knowing the amount of bonuses I received each year, with her dollar sign eye ball, says, “Are you sure you want to leave and for-go the many months bonus you can receive?”

Sigh…it’s all about money. Why should there be an existence of money in human life which then created so much problems…crime, theft, bribery. How or where can I find peace and happiness at the work place?

Joke of the Day

Jonathan boy and myself are a fan of Wyeth.  He grew up with Wyeth since he was in my tummy.  He then started with Wyeth gold series of S-26 (0 – 6 months), Promil (6 – 12 months) and now Progress (1 – 3 y/o). I find that Wyeth has all the nutrition essential for a growing child and not very expensive.  Furthermore, I prefer to stay with the same brand for the continuity of its nutrition.

Ok, back to the topic. As I am expecting #2, I need calcium. After finishing all the milk samples I received, I bought a tin of Wyeth Mama and placed it together with Jonathan’s milk powder.  I am the one who ensure we have sufficient stock and replenish Jonathan’s milk powder when it runs low.

The drama happened last week. It so happened that Jonathan boy had not been asking for milk before bed time for 2 days and so I did not check if there are still milk powder left in the tin.  The following day, no more milk powder left in the tin and MIL had to open a new tin. You see, Wyeth milk product in tin came with a BLUE lid.  MIL noticed a tin of milk powder with blue lid at Jonathan’s food area and thought that was Jonathan’s milk powder and coincidentally it was still unopened. When she opened it, she was wondering why the scoop is different which is bigger and different in colour. She thought it’s a new formula and continue to make milk for Jonathan.

When I came back from work, I saw Jonathan’s empty milk powder tin and a foil cover in it. I can sense something is not right so immediately open my Wyeth Mama.  Jackpot! It was opened and the foil cover was gone. So Jonathan boy had been drinking Wyeth Mama for the whole day today!  And yet he gulped down everything. 

This is what happen when you are not a fussy eater! *ROFL*

My MIL can only read simple Chinese character and she didn’t really notice the picture on the tin…a pregnant lady vs. a lion.

Cyberhome Was Down For 4 Days

Our Cyberhome got hacked and it took quite a while for my Darling IT expert to get it up. It happened when Darling’s notebook got hacked and passwords got stolen. That was what Darling explained to me in layman’s term. It’s back to normal now. Thanks, Darling…I know you can do it.

Soybean Milk Jelly

This is my first time sharing with you my cooking. Use to bake once a while before I had Jonathan. Now…a bit lazy. One fine weekend,  I suddenly recalled promosing MC to share my soybean milk jelly with her. So, here it is…


1 packet of Red Swallow brand agar-agar strips or powder (I prefer powder as it dissolve easily)

1 can of evaporated creamer

4 cups of soybean milk (preferably without or with less sugar)

12 – 14 cups of water (depending on the texture that you like)

3 cups of sugar (reduce according to your taste)



1. Boil jelly powder till dissolve.

2. Add sugar and evaporated creamer and let it boil again.

3. Lastly add soybean milk.

4. Pour mixture into cups.

5.  When the jelly has set, top it with canned longan, lychee, peach, nata de coco or mix tropical fruit. Don’t discard the syrup but add some on each cup. 

6. Serve chilled.


I tried once with rose flavoured soya bean milk. Not too bad. Happy trying……