Count Your Blessings


Today, we shall wave goodbye to Year 2008 and bid welcome to Year 2009. I am not the type that write new year resolution. Whatever happened or is happening is of God’s will. Be it good or bad happenings, we should give thanks to Him and count the blessings He has bestowed to us. We give thanks to God that He listens and sees us thru year 2008 and that we are still walking faithfully in Him.

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Jonathan’s Meal #4

Haven’t I mentioned before that Jonathan boy don’t chew his food till fine enough for his throat but rather swallowing it till he gets choke? He “cough” everytime he gulps from his bottle and take a deep breathe after he finishes as though he was holding his breath. Because of this, I delayed in giving him macaroni as I think it may be too hard and big for him to chew with his gums. But now, since both his upper and lower first molar had erupted, he should be able to handle those macaroni.

On the safe side, I shall mash the macaroni since this is his first try of macaroni and he is not the kind that will chew his food but swallow. I find it hard to mash the cooked macaroni as it is slippery. Another option is to use ABC pasta but since I seldom see them in supermart and it’s more expensive compare to normal macaroni, so I had this idea of crunching the macaroni using the stone grinder before putting it to boil. For the soup base, the stock was made up of anchovies, red dates, carrot and tomato. I added some tofu when it was almost done.

He likes it. I can try other macaroni recipes next time. Macaroni bolognaise…fried macaroni…macaroni cheese…

A Blessed & Merry Christmas!

We will be spending the whole week in Penang. See you guys after Christmas.  I shall post up our Christmas celebration hopefully before the new year comes.

Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.  Just in case…Happy New Year too!

Avillion Port Dickson

Nope…it wasn’t a holiday for me. I was there to stress out my brain for an off-site meeting to align our team’s strategies and setting the KPIs for the next 12 months.  Since I’m still BF Jonathan boy (morning & night only), I had to take him along for this 3D 2N meeting.  Darling had to work so I got my parents to come with me to babysit Jonathan. Two of my nieces tagged along too.

We stayed in the water chalet with a partial sea view. Before the trip, I was so excited. But when I stepped in to the water chalet, nothing to woo about actually. Besides its open sky bathroom, the room is not as big as what I see from their website.  The room comes with four-poster bed and a Pangkin daybed.

This is where we stayed.


The spa…Avi Spa

What lured me was the open shower concept where you could experience the freedom of showering or bathing underneath the clear blue sky.  I felt uneasy at first and kept looking up if there is anyone hanging on the roof looking at me bathing.  After a while, I felt so tantalizing showering with their aromatherapic bath gel and shampoo.


The kids was having great time at the petting farm and swimming pool. Jonathan enjoyed himself at the pool and playground. They even have a playroom for children. Mom obviously busy taking care of Jonathan whild Dad prefers to laze in the room watching tv.

Jonathan boy had a great time with his Gong Gong, Po Po and two big Jie Jie. But poor me…I see the sun rise in the morning but no chance to see the sun set in the evening. Definitely is not a holiday for me but a painstaking session. I definitely need more resources. Praying hard for a good bonus next year. Cheers…

Squeeky Clean

When Jonathan boy was barely 1 year old and his molars have yet to erupt, I gave him baby biscuits to keep himself entertained while we enjoy our meals peacefully. Now that his two upper first molars has fully erupted with the right bottom first molar and two upper cuspid erupting, he could enjoy more table food.

While dining out, I will normally call for a plate of plain rice just for Jonathan boy. If he is lucky, he gets to have some tofu, fish or vegetables to compliment the rice. I’ll leave the rice in front of him with a spoon or sometimes he demand for our chopsticks or fork.  And there he goes pooking or scooping the rice. When he gets fedup from no rice going into his mouth, there comes his fingers picking up the chunk of rice to feed his hungry stomach. That can keep him occupied throught the whole meal time without any fuss.

Now, Daddy & Mommy can enjoy meals peacefully with a MESS to clean up after that!

P/S: Always check that I have the bib and extra clothing to change if needed.

One After Another

Remember me grumbling on the flood? This is somehow related to that incident.

Monday – My youngest niece next door vomited few times in a day. She threw up anything that she ate. No fever and diarrhoea and she is still very alert. At first we thought she misses her daddy coz the last time her daddy went oversea, she was sick too. Sis brought her to see doctor and he said it’s food poisoning and could spread to others.

Tuesday – My youngest niece was back to her jovial self but her brother got it with fever this time. He vomited in the car and my sis had to clean up but couldn’t get rid of the smell.

Wednesday – It was Jonathan’s turn. When I reached home, my MIL told me that Jonathan vomited each time after food or milk. I though probably he is reacting to the new milk coz he had just been “upgraded” to the next step. So I told MIL to feed him porridge and cereal only the next day and monitor.

Thursday – Jonathan stopped vomiting. My sis came over to my place looking restless and complaining of vomiting and no appetite.
       ME: So, you also misses your husband too?
       SIS: Who say…
       ME: The, pregnant ar?
       SIS: No sex how to get pregnant!

Friday – Darling called to say that my MIL was feeling nausea. We rushed home and brought her to the doctor.

One after another and all had the same symptom and got well the next day.  The virus is contagious I suppose. According to the doctor, apparently a lot of people has fallen ill these few days. Most complaing of the same sickness. The flood the other day had contaminated the water.  Doctor advised to eat cooked food and be careful with fruits and vegetables that we eat raw coz we uses the unboiled water to wash it.

Sunday – Darling had diarrhoea and migraine. He could have caught the virus too.

It is now left me and eldest niece who is still “healthy”…*touch wood*