Remember me grumbling on the flood? This is somehow related to that incident.
Monday – My youngest niece next door vomited few times in a day. She threw up anything that she ate. No fever and diarrhoea and she is still very alert. At first we thought she misses her daddy coz the last time her daddy went oversea, she was sick too. Sis brought her to see doctor and he said it’s food poisoning and could spread to others.
Tuesday – My youngest niece was back to her jovial self but her brother got it with fever this time. He vomited in the car and my sis had to clean up but couldn’t get rid of the smell.
Wednesday – It was Jonathan’s turn. When I reached home, my MIL told me that Jonathan vomited each time after food or milk. I though probably he is reacting to the new milk coz he had just been “upgraded” to the next step. So I told MIL to feed him porridge and cereal only the next day and monitor.
Thursday – Jonathan stopped vomiting. My sis came over to my place looking restless and complaining of vomiting and no appetite.
ME: So, you also misses your husband too?
SIS: Who say…
ME: The, pregnant ar?
SIS: No sex how to get pregnant!
Friday – Darling called to say that my MIL was feeling nausea. We rushed home and brought her to the doctor.
One after another and all had the same symptom and got well the next day. The virus is contagious I suppose. According to the doctor, apparently a lot of people has fallen ill these few days. Most complaing of the same sickness. The flood the other day had contaminated the water. Doctor advised to eat cooked food and be careful with fruits and vegetables that we eat raw coz we uses the unboiled water to wash it.
Sunday – Darling had diarrhoea and migraine. He could have caught the virus too.
It is now left me and eldest niece who is still “healthy”…*touch wood*