Oh, My Hair…

My silky hair is falling down, falling down, falling down,
My silky hair is falling down,
Oh, my precious hair.

Same thing happened when I was with Jonathan. It started in the third month until more than the sixth months. It was very bad until you can see my scalp. Everytime when I went to the hairdresser, she will make her comment and start recommending me syampoo and hair tonic. I thought probably Jonathan had taken up all the nutrients in my body as I was breastfeeding. So I went to the pharmacy to enquire for supplements and they recommended me to take Zinc. I can’t remember if it helps.

Now, with Samantha, I’m losing my hair again. At the end of the day in the office, I can see hairs on my chair.  Hairs all over my dressing table and on the floor. Even scarrier whenever I shampooed my hair.

Any remedies or supplements to prevent hair fall due to post-natal hormonal change?

37 Weeks

My body began to change since CNY. Nose growing bigger, legs getting more swollen, getting lazier and restless, and the worst is acne!  Blame it to the burning hot weather. A bath suppose to be refreshing but ended to be like just came out from a hot spring. Night should be breezing cool but it was the warmest part of the day. Because of that, I had acne all over my body.

Now I just can’t wait for my confinement. Thinking of all those delicious food and 2 months leave. Hope I can get to enjoy my two months maternity leave with minimal disruption from the office and without any annoying calls from my boss and colleagues.  They make it seems that their phone directory only has my number and only I can answer or resolve their issue and only I have the access to the information they want! This is the problem when you do not have someone as your back-up that knows the A – Z of your work.

How is the little one doing? Oh…last week’s scan showed that she refuses to turn her head down!

Doc: Come back next week and if she is still not turning, we will have to schedule for a Caesarean.

Me: So soon? My EDD is 25th. Can’t we wait till there are signs of labour?

Doc: No…by then we have to go for emergency Caesarean.

Me: *Keep quiet. Disappointed*

Since then, I had been praying harder and talking much more to baby. I’m not afraid of C-sect but just want to experience natural birth since I had gone through C-sect the previous time.

Got most of the necessary stuff packed for baby, myself and Jonathan. This time will be having my confinement in hometown and Jonathan will be tagging along. Not too sure if I can cope with the traveling in such condition and having to take care of the baby at the same time.

* Update (one week later): Praise the Lord! Little one is very obedient. She turned!! What a relieved. So now, we just have to wait, wait and wait for signs of labour.

A Little Update on #2

Visited my gynae yesterday at week 33.  The scan a little upsetting me. Oh no, don’t worry…little one is doing fine.  Still kicking and squirming actively in mommy’s tummy.

The scan revealed 2 things.

1.  #2 gonna be a much smaller baby compare to Jonathan whose birthweight was 3.99kg.  She is about 1.6kg now (normal weight is about 2kg) and doctor estimated her birthweight to be nothing more than 3kg.  I suspected this earlier from the size of my tummy that doesn’t seems like an 7+ months preggar. I received same comments from people around me. Comparing to my previous pregnancy, it is like I’m just in my 6 months.

Told my eldest sis about it and this was what she said: “You sleep more then baby will grow. My youngest girl is the biggest among her siblings because I slept well. Sis W (my 3rd sis) got all big babies because she slept like a pig.” 

LOL! I’m not hoping for a big baby but just about the right size so that she will be much easier to care for.  Any suggestion on how to increase the little one’s weight? My doc already warned me not to overeat on CNY.

2.  Baby’s position is head up right now.  No wonder I was getting all the squirming and kicking around my lower belly.  Praying hard now that she will decide to turn down when the time comes.

Preggie @ Week 30

Yeah, I think I should be in week 30 now.  Really lost count for this pregnancy.  I think it’s the second child syndrome and I feel so bad when I come to think of it.  I seldom talk to her, read to her, play music for her and connecting her with Daddy. Even, I started late in taking Spirulina and Calrich. These are Elken products and I took it when I was pregnant with Jonathan. You can really see the goodness in Jonathan that he has good immune system and strong bones.

Pregnant with Jonathan is a lot different from this pregnancy.  Different symptoms.  The heartburn this time round was worst. Until now, I still can’t enjoy my food because it always got stuck in my throat.  I crave for sweet stuff especially canned lychee or rambutans and sea coconut.  In my first trimester, I craved for coffee which was something I dislike. Funny eh… I think I can’t take milk because I feel awful after that.

Different in size too! The tummy this time was rounder and smaller.  My 7 months tummy looks like 6 months tummy of the previous pregnancy. Some aunties say I got a neat tummy and it is definitely a baby girl tummy.

The previous pregnancy, my feet started to swell at 6 months.  My gynae always commented on this everytime I went for my routine check. This pregnancy, although my feet has grown bigger but not swollen yet.

Similarity? ICE! I can’t live without ice. I know, I know it is not good but can you see my suffering? Another similarity is in the baby’s characteristic. This little one is as active as Jonathan. Squirming here and there, telling Mommy that she’s lively. 😛

There is one on-going experiment. I’m taking soya bean milk (with white sugar) almost daily because Jonathan has dark complexion from dunno-who-gene.  And not forgetting bird nest…it really make the baby’s skin soft and smooth.

Aunty-Next-Door took some of this preggie shots for me during Christmas.  It was an unplanned session and so you can see I look quite messy.