Hospis Malaysia

When Samantha was first admitted to GHKL due to her 2nd episode of vomiting and that was her 3rd admission since birth. That was when she started to feed via a feeding tube.  We were asked to purchase the feeding machine as both Darling and myself are working in private sector and we do not fall into the low income group. Otherwise we could request for a loan unit from the hospital. The cost of the feeding machine is about RM2k+ to RM4k+.

As we had spent quite a large sum during Samantha’s 1st and 2nd admission in Prince Court Medical Centre, we were quite reluctant to purchase the feeding machine and was requesting if the hospital can give us a loan unit. On the other hand, we were also thinking that Samantha only requires it for short term. We then appealed for a subsidy through GHKL’s Medical Social Work Dept.

While waiting for the appeal which will take quite some time, I then searched the internet for medical equipment suppliers if they have feeding machine on loan. At the end, Hospis Malaysia came into my mind. I called them and my inquiry was transferred to a pharmacist by the name of Aidah. Unfortunately they do not have any feeding machine or pediatric medical equipment.

About 1+ hour later, I received a call from Aidah. She brought me a good news.  She said she then remembered there was an unit of feeding machine at the store from a patient who had passed on. It is still quite new. She said I could loan it for free until if any of their patients needed it.

What surprises me the most was that, how on earth she got my number. I did not leave my contact no. but I did tell her that I have a baby who is admitted to GHKL and requires a feeding machine. She actually made the effort to call up the Pediatric Unit of GHKL and managed to get hold of my no.  So kind of her! God is great, isn’t it? Amen!

The feeding pump loaned from Hospis Malaysia with love

Two weeks after Samantha’s passing, I called up Aidah and informed her that I am returning the feeding machine. That was then Aidah got to know that Samantha had passed on.  We took the opportunity to give a token of appreciation to Hospis Malaysia.

One month later, neither did I expect, instead of receiving just the receipt, it was accompanied with a PERSONALISED letter of appreciation.

We were so touched with their thoughtfulness. They do not know Samantha nor seen her in person but through the letter, I can feel their compassion and care towards not just the patients but also their family.  Tears rolled down my eyes whenever I got to know there are kind souls who love our dear Samantha and care for us.

Daddy Teach Naughty Stuff

Incident #1

In the bathroom after shower…

Jonathan: Mimi, I want put up there. (Wants to hang the shower head on the handle)

Me: It’s ok. Mommy help you to put up there.

Jonathan: No, no…I want put up there. *Started to throw tantrum*

Me: You are so heavy. Mommy can’t carry you. (Imagine a 6 months preggie carrying a 13kg object up to the sky)

Jonathan: No… I want Mimi carry.


Incident #2

Jonathan in the bath tub with Mommy watching beside…

Jonathan: Attempt to reach high up to the soap holder hanging on the wall. Eeeik…..successful! The soap drop in the bath tub. Happily, pick up the soap and start rubbing it on the bath tub, bath toys and wall.


One night, my conversation with Darling…

Me: Darling, you let Jonathan hang the shower head ar?

Darling: Yup. Why?

Me: No wonder. You know, he ask me to carry him to hang the shower head. How to carry him with a big tummy like this lar.

Darling: *Smile*

Me: Then must be you who let him play with the soap.

Darling:  Ok mah…

Me: As if. He took the soap and rub it on the bath toys lar. If didn’t clean up the soap, it will leave stain on the toys.

Darling: *Smile*


I know after Darling read this post, he will say the same to me… “Mommy teach naughty stuff too. Eat junk food right after meals.” 😛

Joke of the Day

Jonathan boy and myself are a fan of Wyeth.  He grew up with Wyeth since he was in my tummy.  He then started with Wyeth gold series of S-26 (0 – 6 months), Promil (6 – 12 months) and now Progress (1 – 3 y/o). I find that Wyeth has all the nutrition essential for a growing child and not very expensive.  Furthermore, I prefer to stay with the same brand for the continuity of its nutrition.

Ok, back to the topic. As I am expecting #2, I need calcium. After finishing all the milk samples I received, I bought a tin of Wyeth Mama and placed it together with Jonathan’s milk powder.  I am the one who ensure we have sufficient stock and replenish Jonathan’s milk powder when it runs low.

The drama happened last week. It so happened that Jonathan boy had not been asking for milk before bed time for 2 days and so I did not check if there are still milk powder left in the tin.  The following day, no more milk powder left in the tin and MIL had to open a new tin. You see, Wyeth milk product in tin came with a BLUE lid.  MIL noticed a tin of milk powder with blue lid at Jonathan’s food area and thought that was Jonathan’s milk powder and coincidentally it was still unopened. When she opened it, she was wondering why the scoop is different which is bigger and different in colour. She thought it’s a new formula and continue to make milk for Jonathan.

When I came back from work, I saw Jonathan’s empty milk powder tin and a foil cover in it. I can sense something is not right so immediately open my Wyeth Mama.  Jackpot! It was opened and the foil cover was gone. So Jonathan boy had been drinking Wyeth Mama for the whole day today!  And yet he gulped down everything. 

This is what happen when you are not a fussy eater! *ROFL*

My MIL can only read simple Chinese character and she didn’t really notice the picture on the tin…a pregnant lady vs. a lion.

Something to Share…

While I’m still drafting my next post, I would like to post this up on my Cyberhome as a gesture of thank you to someone out there.

She was the first mommy blogger that sent Jonathan pressie on his 1st birthday. That year, we exchanged gifts on our son’s birthday and Christmas. It so happen that both our boys’ birthday falls on the same month and just few days apart.

This year, I reminded myself to send pressie to her son before his birthday. But that never happened because the pregnancy hormone made my memory gone wild and made me restless. And so her boy’s present is still sitting on my desk…unwrap even. Nevertheless, she still remember us. I was happy when she dropped me a note that she’s sending over a pressie for Jonathan’s 2nd birthday. So sweet and thoughtful of her.

My dear friend, I thank God for you. May God bless you and your family with happiness always.

A Father’s Wish :)

Darling told me one day……

Darling : I will sing this song for my daughter on her wedding.

Me : What if you don’t have a daughter?

Darling : I will modify the song to suite my son’s wedding.

I was thinking – What is so great about this song coz my Darling hardly sing?

“I Loved Her First” – by Heartland
Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there’s nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I’m not gonna stand in your way

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she’d find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first

How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she’d find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first

From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I’m going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first

Tears started to drop when I browsed through the 2nd stanza.  This is definitely a great song with very touching lyrics. Now I feel like having a daughter so that her Daddy can sing this song on her wedding.

My aunties cried when they see their daughters being led away by the groom. Yet they didn’t cry when seeing their sons brought home the bride. Funny isn’t it?