Jonathan’s Meal #2

Jonathan boy’s porridge on weekends has the most variety of ingredients as I have more time compare to working days where my time is limited.  And since Jonathan can chew quite well now, I decided to cut the potato into tiny cubes rather than grated potato. To add some colour to the porridge, I put in a cut of salmon. The porridge will turn out quite plain with just potato and salmon so I think some raisins will give a sweet-sour taste and additional colour to the porridge.

It turn up pretty good. The taste blended well. To avoid Jonathan boy from swallowing the whole raisin without chewing, I don’t mix the raisin with porridge on his spoon. I fed him raisin only so that he will chew and be able to taste the raisin. Otherwise, I mash the raisin a little and mix with the porridge. You can substitute raisins with red dates or wolfberry.

Favourite Corner

I will usually accompany Jonathan on the bed during napping time or bed time. I’ll offer my breast to him for the last time of the day and hoping that he will go to sleep with a sweet dream. Occasionally, he will still be awake. With the pacifier in his mouth, he will toss here and there, rest his head on my chest, climb on me, until he finally in dreamland.

I was too busy with work in the office last week until I have no time to read blogs or even write a post on our Cyberhome which I normally do during lunch hour. So Saturday was a perfect day for me to catch up on blogs. I got hooked to the PC so I left Jonathan boy on the bed, hoping that he will fall asleep on his own. At times, I can hear clinking or banging sounds as he’s trying to reach out for things place on my side table. I will turn around to check on him so to ensure that he don’t go too near to the edge of the bed.

After some time, I can hear no more noises. I turned around and to my surprise, my boy has fallen asleep BUT in this position…

Lately, he loves to sleep at the corner of the bed. On some nights when I am too tired to watch him sleep, we will see him fallen asleep at the corner the next morning. Quite scary huh? But I’m all glad cause my boy is growing up. He no longer needs us to coax him to sleep.

Jonathan’s Meal #1

While everyone is talking about Bento, I should start sharing on a baby’s meal. I’m a new mother and still learning and experimenting on what is best for a baby’s diet. Jonathan boy is my experiment. Glad to say that he will wallop all kinds of food except Avocado so far.

I’ve also shared in my previous post on how I prepare the porridge. Just dump everything in the ceramic pot.

So let’s see what is on Jonathan’s dinning table today.

Grated beetroot and florets of broccoli

Beets or beetroots contain a wonderful amount of calcium, potassium and even vitamin A.  Whereas, broccoli is very high in Vitamin C and is a great source of soluble fiber.

Stars of My Heart

My Darling and Kimmy Jr.
My Darling and Kimmy Jr.

 They are theof my

Darling, showering us with his unconditional and neverending love, care and joy. A blessing from God for a perfect partner who complements my life. A role model Daddy to his children.

Jonathan boy, a precious gift from God, bringing joy and laughter to us. 99.9% says Jonathan boy looks like his Daddy. I’m so disappointed…after carrying him for 9 months and all I’ve got is Daddy’s look. Only his right eye resemble my eye. But to keep me happy, Darling say Jonathan boy got 100% of my character. Yeah….the stubborn and demanding character…but smart. Hehe…

But I’m glad Jonathan boy got his Daddy’s look. Darling has beautiful eyes with double eye-lid and nice eyebrows. My eyes are smaller and no double eye-lid! I hope he has Darling’s set of teeth too…sitting straight, side by side each other.

The above photo was taken when Jonathan is around 6 months old at Laguna Park in Klang by my sis’ with her SLR. The green background make the whole pic so outstanding and sharp, whatmore taken with a SLR. And here, the same photo appears in The Parenthood magazine of September ’08 issue.

Yeap, it was selected as one of the consolation winner in the Stars of Pureen photo contest. This is the first time my entry is being selected in a photo contest. I have submitted a few photos previously but was unsuccessful.

Not wasting the opportunity, I’ve also submitted my niece’s photo in the Fiffy’s Happy Holiday photo contest. Her photo was being selected in the September ’08 issue too! This 3+ years old cutie-chatter-box of my sis is a real beautiful and photogenic gal. Why I call her chatter box? She can talk and talk and talk. I love to challenge her speaking and thoughts by probing her with questions and giving her funny or unrealistic answers. This “evil” aunt just love to confuse her and I like the way she responded. Kid says the darndest things. But sometimes, she can really make your life up side down.

Our 11 months of Jonathan boy is turning 1 year old soon. His two lower incisor has erupted. That will be his 7th and 8th tooth.  He loves to play peek-a-boo with us. Whenever we say peek-a-boo, he will put his hand on his head or cover his eyes. From the peek-a-boo game, he now knows where is his head.

Me: Jonathan boy, where is your head?
Jonathan boy: *Put his hand on his head and smile*

Me: *Finished his porridge*  Good boy, Jonathan. No more…
Jonathan boy: Mo more ma…

Recently, I noticed a new trick from him. Imagine Superman flying in the air with one hand reaches out and the other tugging at his waist. With the same position, lie on your tummy and using your leg, glide to the front. That is how he chooses to crawl now! *Slap head*

Tag: A Lengthy One…

Ann tagged me with such a lengthy but interesting tag. Some really tested my memory.

Name: Julie
Sisters: 5
Brothers: None

Shoe size: 6 (5½ would be perfect)
Height : 157cm only

Where do you live: A place for BKT lover

drinks: Milo ice
breakfast: Bread toast

Have you ever been on a plane? Yes
Swam in the ocean : No and hope never
Fallen asleep at school : Yes…blame it on the teacher
Broken someone’s heart: Yes
Fell off your chair : I don’t think so
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yes but I didn’t sat by the phone all night
Saved e-mails: Yes. I never delete work related emails. They are proof of documentation.

What is your room like : A mess!!

What’s right beside you: My baby! Jonathan wants to climb up my lap
What is the last thing you ate: Penang Asam Laksa

Ever had
chicken pox: Yes…lucky me it was when I’m a baby, so no scar
Sore throat: Of course!
Stitches: Yes but never regret
Broken nose: No

Do you
believe in love at first sight: No…exist only in movies
like picnics: Yes, yes, yes…

Who was the
last person you danced with: My Darling (when ar?)
last person who made you smile: Jonathan boy…only he can make me smile when I’m in anger 
person you last yelled at: My Darling…who else can I yell at to release my anger?

Today did you
Talk to someone you like: Of course lar…I’m not dumb
Kiss anyone: Yes, two most important man in my life
Get sick: No
Talk to an ex: No
Miss someone: Not yet
Eat: Still eating…munching tit-bits as I complete this tag

What is your best feeling in the world: Falling in love
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Used to but now with two boys on bed, it all got kicked out!
What’s under your bed: Dust. I hope no dead cockroaches or lizards…eewww!
Who do you really hate: Opposite…(not referring to my neighbour)

What time is it now? 4.21pm

Is there a person who is on your mind now: My two guys
Do you want children: Yes. If not I would have Jonathan
Do you smile often: No…people would think that you are crazy
Do you like your hand-writing: Yes but I hope I can write better
Are your toe nails painted: Used to once a while but not now anymore
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: A luxurious hotel’s bed
What color shirt are you wearing now: White
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Sleeping

I can’t wait till… : November…bonus time!
When did you cry last : Few weeks ago…pity that lady in the drama
Are you a friendly person: You say. Not me to judge
Do you have any pets: No but I wish for a big dog
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? Snoozing on my bed
Did the last person you hold hands with mean anything to you now? It has to mean something. He’s my son!

Do you sleep with the TV on? Used to but not possible now…the little one can’t sleep with any sound
Have you ever crawled through a window? When I’m little, playing hide-n-seek
Can you handle the truth? Test me if you want to know the answer
Are you too forgiving? Depending on situation and person

Are you closer to your mother or father? Mom
Who was the last person you cried in front of? No one. I was watching a sad drama series and shed tears quietly
How many people can you say you’ve really loved? Plenty. We should love one another, right?

Do you eat healthy? Haha…I must be telling lie if I say yes

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? Is class group photo counted?
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? Yes
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? My Darling or Mom
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? Loud at home, quiet when I’m  outside
Are you confident? No

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
a. Working part-time while waiting for result
b. First year in Uni
c. Missing home
d. Sleep (it’s a everyday thing right?)
e. Searching for a partner 😛

5 things on my to-do list today:
a. Finish this tag
b. Organize my room
c. Gardening
d. Complete some office work
e. Sleep

5 snacks I enjoy:
a. Green peas
b. Cheezels
c. Twisties
d. Chocolates with raisins
e. Fruits

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
a. Resign from work (Yipee!!)
b. Pay off my loans
c. Buy a bungalow
d. Give some money to my parents
e. Save for future

5 of my bad habits:
a. Never like to switch off lights.
b. Blinking my eyes
c. Stubborn and get agitated very quickly
d. Procrastinate
e. Take cold drinks or sometimes tid-bits right after meal

I just feel like tagging Anything Lah!, Aunty Next DoorHeartstring of A new mommy on this. However, if you have yet to get tagged and feels like sharing it, please consider yourself tag, ok?