Jonathan is 16+ months now.
I would expect him to speak some words at this age but unfortunately, not yet. Either he refuses to or he thinks he might get his tongue twisted. 😛 But he sure can make us contented with his latest act.
Ish! – When he wants something he sees, with his hands reaching out trying to grab it from the table top. He’s trying to say “please”, I would say.
Shhh… – He said it with his index finger pointing to his lips or sometimes his nose. Once, my baby niece was crying and he did this. That was cute. But when I showed the “Shhh..” action during church service, he made even louder noise. *Slap head*
No more – He understand this means nothing is left. The cutest part is when he can’t suckle any more milk from my breast, he says “no more”. Sometimes when he finishes his porridge, he will hand me the bowl and says “no more”.
Fuff… – When his food is hot or when I warn him the food is hot, he knows how to blow.
Bom! – When I say, Firecracker… He will go, “Bom!!” He learned this from the firecrackers sound during CNY.
Pom! – He understand this as “fall down”. He will tell me this when I warn him to be careful while coming down from the stairs.
*Pen… – You sure know what he wants when he say this. The “O” is missing from here. 😛
Whoaww… – When I ask him how does the lion roar, he roars for me with his hands raised and palms open wide.
Woof! – When I ask him how does a dog bark, he gives me a soft “woof”.
Despite the above, this boy has started to drive us up the wall. He is getting mischievous and throwing tantrums. When he is angry or refuse to obey our instructions, he will throw anything that is around him. Sometimes, he will raise his hands and trying to beat us.
When he wants something but we refuse to give him, he will “commit suicide”. Haha…I sound a little dramatic. Well, his “commit suicide” act is whine and lie on the floor. But he is smart to know that the floor is hard and he should not bang his head so he lies down very gently. He is wrong in anticipating that Mommy will raise her white flag. 😛 Dunno where he learn this from.
Look at him…how can I resist loving him despite all his nonsense?
He is showing us the “GOOD” sign with the Gong Pian (a type of Hock Chew biscuit) in his mouth and turning his head away refused to look at the camera.