Yup.. the day we’ve been waiting for.. it is finally here. Clocked in at 9:29AM on 8 Oct 2007, the handsome young chap awed the world… (ok, maybe just people we know).. Weighted at 3.99kg, and 53cm tall, he is the biggest baby among all newborn that day at the same hospital. Mommy weighted more when she was born… so, it was no surprise to us.. hehe. Baby was born via cesarean due to complication when the membrane burst. It was like the baby pass motion and doc advised that we should go through that procedure.
We’ve decided that he shall be called Jonathan.. full name in Chinese has yet to be finalized. For now, he is to be called Jonathan Sia.
Darling still recuperating in the hospital. Doc says might be able to discharge tomorrow afternoon. Let’s see how is it. She has been very strong going through all these.
Cutting the story short, here are some photos of our baby boy…
Click on the photo for larger view.
Video Presentation also available.. (have to be a bit kiasu)
Let all praises and glory be given to God for it is He who made this possible. It is His wonderful gift to us.