A Blessed Mother & Baby

Baby Jonathan and I were discharged from hospital on the 4th day. I was so happy that finally I can cuddle Jonathan in my arms and see his adorable face anytime I want. On the other side, I was fully prepared for all the challenges of baby care that I may not forsee. Even the nurses who were caring for Jonathan while in the hospital commented that Jonathan is quite impatient and often cries especially at night. These are quite common in babies.

Baby Jonathan is 12 days old now. I am coping very well in this new role as a mother to a rather impatient baby. 🙂 As I take care of Jonathan each day, gladness and joy filled my heart more and more. It is because I am so blessed by people around me that extended their helping hand and advices. Jonathan is also so blessed to have people around him that adores him so much.

Our God…for listening to our prayers and blessed us with such a complete creation.

My husband…Thank you Darling for all the love, care, sacrifices and patience from our very first day till Jonathan is in our midst. You are doing great. God is with us. We love you!

My parents…who has spent so much for Jonathan and I with all the poultry and herbs. Whenever they come down to KL from Sitiawan, my dad’s car will be fully loaded with things.

My mother-in-law…who looks after my confinement – a great cook. She always expect me to eat big portion…sigh

My sisters…experienced mothers who provides baby care advices for modern moms. One of my sis is living next door to me so you can see the conveniences. They adore little Jonathan so much. Jonathan is so blessed to have so many Ah Yi.

My CG members…who has been praying for our family planning, my pregnancy and Jonathan’s birth. Thank you for their continuous prayers and support.

0 thoughts on “A Blessed Mother & Baby”

  1. hahaha…..I actually KNOW what you mean by MIL expecting you to eat lots!

    Sigh….it was always great to be in a family of God and have a kid….you feel so much more blessed!

    And heard that song “How Great is Our God” when you were pregnant or with Jonathan? I cried and cried….how great indeed is He that can take one cel and make it into a beautiful baby for us to hold!

    Praise God.

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