Jonathan…2 Months


Our Jonathan boy is 2 months old today. He has grown taller and heavier since birth. His birth weight was 3.99kg and 53cm tall. Due to pyloric stenosis which he suffered when he was 2 weeks old, he only gained 0.3kg after 1 month. But praise and give thanks to our Lord that Jonathan is now weighing 5.8kg and 60cm tall. We also want to thank Jonathan’s surgeon, Dr. Goon for his passion and gentleness. May God bless you!

Baby Jonathan is really a big eater that needs to be fed every 2 hours. I’m glad he is consuming the milk well now. He is a baby that requires comfort. He likes being hug and sway to sleep. I know I already created a habit in him but I don’t mind to give him the comfort as long as he feels the peace. I just like to have him resting his head on my shoulder and chest while snoozing off.

You need patience to take care of Baby Jonathan. He is a rather impatient baby. The moment he wakes up for the next feed, he will not allow you to bath him, change him and even play with him but will start crying for milk. But once he is satisfied after feeding, you can do anything to him. His smiles and cooing will melt your heart. He started to smile and coo when he was just 1 month old. He will do that when you (especially children) talk to him and when looking at the musical mobile hanging on top of him. At times, if you walk away, he will start crying for attention. When you talk to him again, he begins to smile and coo again.

That’s my baby and I’m happy for that. Amen!

I shall be back to work on Monday. I takes care of Jonathan all on my own during the past two months, so he is quite sticky to me. I hope Jonathan will behave well under the care of my MIL when I’m at work. MIL have to cook and do house chores so she can spend most of her time with Jonathan. I also hope Darling can leave work on time so that I can play with Jonathan before he sleeps.

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