I woke up from bed yesterday, looked at my watch…it’s 8th of the month. Gosh, another month had sailed through but so little pictures of Jonathan we had captured. Let’s see what are the highlights of the month.
He is 9.6kg now. At 8.5 months, Jonathan is able to stand unaided…his record so far was 10 seconds. But he still needs something to support him up, then he’ll start to show his stunt by letting go his hands steadily, smiling at his audience expecting some cheers and finally, drop down on his buttock. But yesterday night, instead of sitting down on his buttock, he jump upfront. He repeated the same act every time we make him stand and definitely enjoying it. Good thing it was on the bed. I hope he won’t do it on the solid floor.
He is getting more demanding. He must have what he wants. He loves our mobile phones so when we refuse to give him, he will cry.
One night, he bit my nipple when he wanted to hook on to my breast. I have warned him and pat his cheek softly many times not to do it. It was a quick reflex that I beat him harder on the cheek and he cried this time. Thereafter, he refused to suck even though I apologized and cuddle him until I had no choice but to force him to suck. Thank God, he finally accepted my breast. After this incident, he is more gently. *Slap head*
In the earlier two posts, Jonathan had his first fall then fell sick recently…getting better today. Get well soon, my little sick baby.
On an unrelated update, some renovation is going on in my house, at the kitchen, utility room, stairs and car porch. It looks like a major renovation because my house is full of dust, no facility to cook and wash our laundry. I’m blessed to have my sister living next door. She lend me her kitchen to at least cook porridge for Jonathan boy every morning and boil water. We have to eat out every meal and send our laundry to the dobby. Most of our time were spent in our bedroom (that is the cleanest place so far).
But overall, I’m looking forward to the new kitchen and utility room. The most important space for a woman is always the kitchen. Why the utility room? Cause I plan to set up a condusive study/working place for Darling and a more child proof playing area for Jonathan. Setting them up one step at a time…
soooooooooo cute this pic!!! he is growing cuter n cuter by the second!!! soooo cute….. aaawwww……. sooooo sooooo soooo cute… haih.. cant think of a more suitable word to describe my emotion at the moment!
wah very smart boy…i guess rachael can stands but she still needs support! i guess lil jonathan is younger…rachael is turning 9 mths old this coming 17th…*bravo lil jonathan*
glad to hear he is getting well now!
and do post up some photos of your newly renovated kitchen & utility room!
Baby Jonathan is such a cutie! He’s so strong…. and just look at the way he stands so steadily…u must be a proud mummy! 🙂
wow…baby Jon really ‘geng’ le!! Can stand unaided at 9 month old??
i feel funny when he rejected your breast after being ‘slapped’ by you. is that b’coz boy is more rude?? hahaha… i wonder if my coming boy will do so or not??
Wow! Could stand up unaided at 8.5months that’s pretty fast! Bravo, Jonathan.
Oh ya, about the biting nipple and the punishment…exactly the same situation happened to my Ryan too. Hmm…so small only oredi know how to “lao kai” after got beaten,huh ?
Anyway, after that incident, Ryan never bit my nipple again.
Merryn – but getting naughtier and cheeky smart ler…
June – Jonathan is 1+ week older than Rachael.
Soon, Rachael will be able to stand unaided. Each baby is unique and meets physical milestones at his or her own pace.
Ann – Yes, indeed I’m proud of Jonathan and I think you are too of Christopher. Hihi…sometimes I’m proud of Christopher too.
Debbie – I think he merajuk. Not that boy is more rude. Boy tends to me more active than girl, that’s what people say.
Ryan’s mami – Yalor, so small also know how to “lao kai”. I’m glad they understand the punishment and did not repeat the same behaviour.
jonathan is truly growing up to be a great looking kiddo. and i hope the renovation doesn’t affect his health too much. i’ve also just renovated my kitchen and that was when i was 8 months pregnant. i know people “pantang” and all but i had no choice. if not, my MIL wouldn’t have a place to cook for me during my confinement.