A Sand and Sea Time…

Praise the Lord for the good weather. It was a bright and sunny afternoon. All set for a great beach time. Sis and I each prepared some snacks and finger foods.

Baked chicken wings, baby potatoes & broccoli salads, fresh fruits from me. Vietnamese spring roll, inari and guacamole as the dipped for nachos from sis.

We headed to Pantai Morib which is the nearest beach from Klang but ended up at Pantai Kelanang about 5km from Morib. It is a mangrove swamp which the Selangor government turn into a major seafront 4 years ago. We had been there 2 years back so this time was a revisit.

All set to swim but it did not materialised because the beach water is too murky as it’s a mangrove swamp.  So the kids ended up playing with sands on the soft sandy beach.

I put Jonathan to stand in the water but he got scared seeing the waves rushing towards him. He had a great time playing with sands and the beach toys. He is smart of not putting sands or fingers in his mouth.

It pays to gain some fun and so we ended up with itchy legs from the sandflies bites till today. *scratch…scratch…*

20 thoughts on “A Sand and Sea Time…”

  1. Woww….so nice. Picnic at the beach. The food is nice and yummy! How I wish I was there..hehe.

    By the way, I can see that Jonathan is getting better with the scar (from chicken pox). So happy to see that…

  2. Nice outing….
    Jonathan is not afraid of sand n water n waves… VERY VERY good… *i m underestimating Philip* Blek

    Hey, his face all cleared…that’s good. NOw you can fong sum..next time he wont get any CP..:p

    Nice food too.. let me hop to yr sis site now..

  3. wow! love the beach shots! very nice!

    food looks yummy and you and your sis has done a very good job!

    love the last photo as well…

    since rachael can walk now, perhaps we will bring her to the beach…


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