Part I of 2008 Christmas – With Sia Family

This year, I’ve chosen Lavender as the theme for my Christmas tree. Finally I managed to get the type of tree I like from Petaling Street.  I spent nearly RM360 for this 7 feet tree and the ornaments. It was an impulse buying this time for the ornaments. Darling set up the tree and I put up the ornaments. Still not satisfied with the tree as I think I need more ornaments on such a huge Christmas tree.  On top of that, we have a little rascal who keeps pulling down the ornaments and threw it on the floor like a ball.  The glittering sand dust then stick to his hand and face. *Slap head* If only I could hang the Christmas tree on to the ceiling??

Darling decorated the main door and this time I was thrilled with his beautiful work.

I’m kinda lazy to prepare food and clean up so we decided to eat out for our Christmas dinner this year with Darling’s family (my in-laws). Off we went to Auntie Juliet Cafe in Kota Kemuning the Saturday before Christmas.  After the dinner, all of us headed to my house for presents time. 4th sis and family usually join us to add to the fun.

Presenting to you……the Sia family.

16 thoughts on “Part I of 2008 Christmas – With Sia Family”

  1. Wow … you really spend that much on your x’mas tree ah? But the trees looks so nice, worth every penny spend 🙂

    Happy New Year to you and your family 🙂

  2. The X’mas tree is so nice, I like it so much. I did not that has to spent so much on decorating a xmas tree.
    – How is the food at Auntie Juliet Cafe? I am staying around that area but never try..

  3. Caroline – The tree is RM200 and I just don’t know how come I spent soo much on the ornaments. Hihi…

    E – Hi. Glad to see you here again. I love Auntie Juliet’s desserts especially the Hersey choc and apple crumble.

    Wai Yin – Thanks.

    Joanne – I like the food at Auntie Juliet. I’ll give her 8 out of 10. Remember to try her Hersey choc and apple crumble.

  4. I love the X’mas tree, so nice. How nice if I can have one at home too cos I love to deco X’mas tree!!
    Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!

    I love your family photo!!

  5. Wow…beautiful tree! You’re quite a dedicated decorator 🙂

    I started out with a gold and green theme for our little family tree but now that my parents’ old ornaments have joined the club, it’s now a rojak tree!

    It’s now a leaning tower of Pisa too because Lucas keeps charging at the tree for the ‘presents’ aargh.

    Happy New Year to you too!!!

  6. Oh….at least you got the tree! Work up slowly each year on the decorations, I guess.

    But I think presents under a tree is the BEST!

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