Blog Break?

I think I need a blog break or whatever it is.

I’m having too much on my plate in the office. One leg kick now…handling 3 portfolios…as my boss, myself and my subordinate. Yup, both my upline and downline left 3 months ago and no successor yet.

Some of you may noticed that I hardly drop a comment on your post nowadays. Pardon  me. I hope I’ll still put up some post and visit your blog whenever possible. Definitely not as often as before.

Hope things will get better and under control soon.

10 thoughts on “Blog Break?”

  1. time has finally come to a ‘me, myself and i’ moment there for u eh?

    u take care n stay healthy.. too much stress at work is no good..

    hope things will get better in ur work place.. 🙂

  2. oh dear ….. hope your workload is still under your control ya. But thinking positively, during this period of time where the economy is so bad, busy is a good sign 🙂

    Pls take care ya …..

  3. Left? In a time when so many people are being retrenched?

    Miss your comments…but it’s ok.

    Hope things stabilise soon!

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