Overnight Change

Strangely, a big eater and a not-a-fussy-eater like Jonathan boy is refusing his formula milk for the first time.  Not a new taste to him. No additional stuff added.

The last he had his formula milk is last Friday afternoon and he finished 8oz as usual.  Then on Saturday night, before bedtime, he took a sip and rejected it. I thought he was still full from all the junk food he ate. On Sunday morning till today, he still refused to drink and pushed away the bottle from me. 

Changed to a fancy milk bottle, sippy cup, pour into his favourite cup with straw, added ice cubes, chilled……Many ways I tried to coax him but failed.  Darling suggested that perhaps it’s time to add milo to his milk. Maybe he’s following my footsteps…I grew up with milo! I don’t think so and I’m not doing that for certain reasons.

I’m not too worried about this change as Jonathan boy is still eating his solid well. He will still ask for BM but I am not producing that much anymore.

Is this a phase? How long will this last? I’m wondering, staring at the stocks of formula milk I have.

11 thoughts on “Overnight Change”

  1. If Milo is out of the option, maybe you want to try spoon feed instead? This work with some kid 🙂 Hope that he will drink his milk in a few days time coz we really don’t know what in their little mind 🙂 🙂

  2. When Ethan had that episodes, after a couple of days, we brought him to the paed, we discovered that he had ulcers. But for Jonathan, maybe it is just a phase as he is asking for BM. Ethan is only drinking 5-6 oz milk per feeding.. Did you try changing other flavour for the formula?

  3. well that’s something informative there that i’m thankful for you to share with us…
    do let us know what/why it happened so i’m prepared for it when the time comes for rachael…

  4. shan leo stopped drinking formula milk when he was abt 2 or younger. and he has been drinking fresh milk ever since.

    maybe its time to change to another brand of formula milk??

  5. Christopher has had these episodes MANY MANY times….in fact I have stopped being concerned.

    It sometimes lasts for a few days….sometimes up to 2 weeks.

    And usually always on the weekend. At school he usually drinks better I reckon coz he sees other kids drink or coz there isn’t any junk to eat or coz the teacher doesn’t ask just gives it to him or coz he uses up more energy…

    At any rate, as long as he is eating solids well and still not underweight, it should be alright.

  6. I am having this problem with my boy since last month..he only drink like 1 -2 oz per feeding…

    One of the reason is that I am changing from Step 2 to step 3, he need times to adjust.

    I did check with my paed, he said dont relied too much on milk, give him solid balance diet..drink milo if he didnt want milk etc…

    So I add one tsp of milo into his milk in the morning. AT least he drink 2 oz or else only 1/2 oz!

    At night, he started to take like 3 – 4 oz….but I let him take together with cake, buns or bread.

    Same like u, my BM very low now..so got to think of ways to let them drink little..at least! 🙂

  7. Hi all, Jonathan is back to his full amount of formula milk after 3 days. Not sure why this happens. I guess it’s just a phase that some kids will go through.

  8. My in-house doctor gives her daughter fresh milk after 1year old, on top of her breast milk. Her daughter can take cold milk, straight our from the fridge no need to heat up, just drink. Easy lor… also takes ice cube n eat without getting sick!

  9. My Xandria start to reject the milk when she was in 18mth old. As seem she is taking the solic food so well, i’m not too worry.

    But still, she will gulp the milk 2-3 times a day now. Guess it depends on her mood!!!

  10. At least better than my son who never ever like milk, whatever kinds of milk… Really headache… He totally stop consuming milk now… Lucikily he’s having good appetite on other foos…

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