Daddy Teach Naughty Stuff

Incident #1

In the bathroom after shower…

Jonathan: Mimi, I want put up there. (Wants to hang the shower head on the handle)

Me: It’s ok. Mommy help you to put up there.

Jonathan: No, no…I want put up there. *Started to throw tantrum*

Me: You are so heavy. Mommy can’t carry you. (Imagine a 6 months preggie carrying a 13kg object up to the sky)

Jonathan: No… I want Mimi carry.


Incident #2

Jonathan in the bath tub with Mommy watching beside…

Jonathan: Attempt to reach high up to the soap holder hanging on the wall. Eeeik…..successful! The soap drop in the bath tub. Happily, pick up the soap and start rubbing it on the bath tub, bath toys and wall.


One night, my conversation with Darling…

Me: Darling, you let Jonathan hang the shower head ar?

Darling: Yup. Why?

Me: No wonder. You know, he ask me to carry him to hang the shower head. How to carry him with a big tummy like this lar.

Darling: *Smile*

Me: Then must be you who let him play with the soap.

Darling:  Ok mah…

Me: As if. He took the soap and rub it on the bath toys lar. If didn’t clean up the soap, it will leave stain on the toys.

Darling: *Smile*


I know after Darling read this post, he will say the same to me… “Mommy teach naughty stuff too. Eat junk food right after meals.” 😛

8 thoughts on “Daddy Teach Naughty Stuff”

  1. Maybe daddies just like to teach naughty things haha.

    Some of the naughty stuff I taught my baby Rachel: barking, meowing, turn upside down


  2. hahaha…i laughed so hard when i read this post…
    somehow kinda relates to me and hubby as well…
    i always “accuse” him of stuffs and he does that to me vice versa hahaha…

    but end of the day, we had a good laugh out of it…hahaha…

    i thk sometimes we just want the kids to hv some “fun” as well 🙂

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