On 4th Admission and Baby Teeth

Yes, it’s Samantha. Admitted last Wednesday and was discharged on Monday.

We brought her for follow up on Wednesday but got held back because her lactate went up and her bi-carb (HCO3) was low which is not very good.  Doc wants to normalise her lactate and bicarb. Moreover, she had not been gaining weight.  We can sense that she’s not doing good from the way she behaves or reacts.  Whenever her lactate is high, she is more cranky, restless and breath harder.

Generally these are some of the things the doc will be looking at every time. Other than that are liver function, thyroid hormones and hematology.

Admit Discharge Reference Range
Lactate 15.7 mmol/L 9.6 mmol/L 0.2 – 2.2 mmol/L
pH 7.306 7.49 7.31 – 7.41
Bi-carb (HCO3) 9.5 mmol/L 19.5 mmol/L 18 – 23 mmol/L

So you can imagine the amount of blood drawn from her each time. I hate it when she needs to be admitted. They will come after her blood everyday. I now call them VAMPIRE.

She gained 200g in the hospital so now she is 3.8kg.  I guess I should not miss her night feeding.

On a happy note, both her lower central incisors has erupted.  That is fast! I am not expecting it because all her developments were delayed.  She’s going to be 6 months in another week’s time but she is still like a less-than-2 months old baby.

14 thoughts on “On 4th Admission and Baby Teeth”

  1. Hey…she does not look like a 2month old…definitely older than that… and look at her chubby cheeks…

    Hope she is doing fine. My niece was tube fed until 2yo n today she is walking and running…

  2. I am sure she will catch up in no time! And wow…tooth eruption already huh. That’s really fast!

    She is a lovely girl and I am sure she will do great in no time.

  3. I agree – she looks pretty good. Focus on her feeding and getting her weight up. I know I was obsessed with feeding her every 3 hours until she turned 6 months old.

    She was 2.3 kg at birth but now she’s hitting 8 kg at 10 months old. Slow and steady, ok?

    Don’t worry about her development – she’s a girl. She’ll catch up fast!

    I’m happy to hear you’re still breastfeeding. Keep it up – it’s really worth it.

    What causes the high lactate and the low bi-carb?

    I had hyperthyroid for many years thus I’m quite particular over what I eat in order to balance my throxine levels.

    You can call me a “health freak” because I read ingredient labels, bug doctors with questions, research like crazy i.e. basically an “I want to know everything about it” psycho 😉

  4. Hi, I’m dropping in (and definitely staying!) from Mamapumpkin’s blog. Samantha is a beautiful child and you are an extremely strong mother. My prayers and thoughts are with you ALL THE TIME (and so are many many others out there). I hope that you can draw strength from this thought.

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