Growing Up to the Big 3…

My boy is going to be 3 years old soon…

Two months back when I asked him his age, he was still saying, “I am 2 years old.”
After some brainwashing from me, he will now say, “I am going to be 3 years old.”
I’m starting another brainwashing session for him to say, “I am 3 years old.”

When I asked him, when is his birthday.  He answered, “In the room.”  Because we got his 2nd birthday pic hanging on the wall of our bedroom.  I guess he is confused with “when” and “where”.  He answered it right occasionally…”October 8.”

We are planning to throw him a birthday party this year since he now know how to have fun. I showed him many designs of cake. Asked him to choose which one is his favourite.  He will go like, “Ermmm…I want Thomas Train.  Ermmm…I want Mickey Mouse.  Ermmm…I want action hero.” The next time you ask him again, his like changes.   He is so undecisive…like me! 😛

A very impatient boy. Temporamental at time. When he couldn’t get something done, he gets agitated easily. I calmed and talked to him many times on this but still couldn’t “fix” this personality of his.

Still a shy boy. He needs warming up. Brought him for a Muzikgarten trial class and he refused to enter the room. Was clinging to me the whole session and refused to participate. He opened his mouth only towards the end of the class and gave the teacher a goodbye hug.

Timid. Fear of fire crackers and loud noises. When he sees Tinker Bell hiding underneath the flower petals or the big cat coming, he hid himself under the blanket too.

Despite all his mischievous act and temper, he is still an obedient boy and a great helper.  Of course he needed some pushing and encouragement sometimes.

Now that he is more vocal, I love to ask him questions to simulate his thinking. Sometimes he gave silly answers. Well, kid’s imagination.

These are some of the things about my boy…Mommy’s boy but spoiled by Daddy. 😛

7 thoughts on “Growing Up to the Big 3…”

  1. smart boy he is! Hmm… looks like i need to start teaching Ryan his birthdate. He’ll be 3 soon in two months time. I’ve shown him the birthday cake samples while browsing some baking websites. He’s like Jonathan… telling me he wanted this and that designs! unable to make up his mind… in the end he told me he wanted all!! lagi chialat…a greedy piggy!!

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