Prayer Request for Samantha

We know many of you out there are constantly praying for Samantha. We appreciate that and may God bless you. Please continue to pray for Samantha that she may be able to pull through this time and get well eventually.

We admitted her to GHKL yesterday after noticing her breathing rapidly and lethargic. She was not her usual self and she looks weaker and not responding much. Her condition is not getting much better today. Her blood test results are worsening and she doesn’t seems well clinically.

33 thoughts on “Prayer Request for Samantha”

  1. As I read this post, my heart was beating very fast. I felt so anxious. After reading, I shut my eye n prayed for God miraculously healing towards Sam.

    *hugs* to you Julie.

  2. I pray that god lays his healing hand on bb Samantha via doctor’s hand. that guardian angels will be there to protect bb Samantha. Get well soon and reunited with mummy, daddy and kor kor ok..

  3. Hi

    Saw you at the Disney Road Rally event, but didn’t have the courage to walk up and say hi, as I don’t think you know who I am as I am just a silent reader here.

    I saw little Samantha from afar the other day and it sadden me that just two days after that she was hospitalize. My prayer is always with you.

    Samantha, be strong and get well soon.

  4. I always tear up when something happens to bb Sam. Just prayed for her and will continue to pray that she will grow to be strong and healthy.

  5. Samantha…even we have not met…thru here I felt like i’ve known you…felt your courage to survive. Truly you are a testimony to all. Please continue to stay strong and fight. You are a blessing to your beloved parents. We will be upholding you in prayers.

  6. No words can help remove your sadness and pain. No mother should go through this. My deepest condolence. I will pray for you each and everyday for peace. You will never be alone on this journey.

  7. So sorry your little princess has to leave so early but I am sure she is in good hands now that she is sitting next to God.

    My deepest condolences to you and your family.

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