“Olympic Baby” @ 10 Months

Olympic Baby? Quite exaggerate huh? Cause Jonathan boy was born on 8th October, so today is the 8th of August and it marks the beginning of 10 months’ milestone…and it’s the opening of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. So this day should be a great day!

This is our lovely Jonathan boy.

This little one of ours (not so little anymore), instead of learning to nod his head, he has learned to shake his head vigorously. At first we couldn’t figure out what makes him shake his head but later discovered that he will only do it when he is happy or excited. If you watch the video on his Choo Choo Train ride, you will notice it at the end of the video.

He is adding new vocab to his babbling. Yup, still babbling and yet to utter any word that we could understand. I think he will call Daddy first ’cause it’s easier to pronounce “Pa-pa” than “Ma-ma”. That will be great cause he will call for Daddy and leave the Mommy free at last!  *grin*

July month was not a good month for Jonathan boy as he was down with fever, flu and cough due to the renovation work of our house and since last Thursday, he has been passing motion (not watery but loose stool) for 3 – 4 times a day. Good thing there’s no fever and vomiting but poor boy’s butt become reddish. Brought him to see the paed and it could be due to food poisoning. Pray for a good month ahead.

And not forgetting to mention, today is 2 weeks after the 1st Anniversary of my first post in our Cyberhome about our pregnancy and parenthood journey with Jonathan boy. Such a great joy having two most important person in my life, Darling and Jonathan. We give praises to our Great God!

13 thoughts on ““Olympic Baby” @ 10 Months”

  1. Hi Jonathan,
    Philip is older than you 2 days… 6 Oct.

    In fact Philip supposed to come out on 8 Oct…but alas, he wanted to come out earlier… ehhehehe

    U r big boy, and handsome too

  2. That was what I told hubby as well….about boyboy calling papa first!!!

    I said if he call you first, then you ahve to get up middle of the night and feed him whenever he wants his milk!!! hahahaha…

    how is his tooth growing?

  3. LittleLamb – Thank you Philip’s mommy. Welcome to our Cyberhome.

    Ryan’s Mummy – You got too! This one is from my grandma.

    Ann – *High 5*…I’ve been teaching him to call Papa more than Mama…hihi…

    Still four on top and 2 at the bottom since 8 months old.

  4. awww…love this photo of jonathan boy…

    congrats on your anniversary of Cyberhome as well…

    btw, rgding jonathan shaking his head vigorously…we also noticed our rachael also does the same thing too…our friends told us it’s probably due to too much of watching the tv or looking at too much lightings (their 4 yr old son experienced that before when he’s younger)

    so they advised us not to let rachael watch too much tv…

  5. lyan fung has learned to turn his head from left to right since birth. everyone said he’s a very alert baby. he co-sleeps with us and when he wakes up in the morning, he will turn to left and right to make sure daddy and mummy is around. hehehe!

    happy 10th month birthday, jonathan!

  6. June – I don’t think it’s because of tv. I think it’s just one of their mischievious act. Now Jonathan begins to understand that shake head means NO.

    Christine – Clever Lyan Fung. Soon he will be able to turn himself around.

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